Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Technology is so important in today's education system. The times are changing and the school system needs to keep up with the times. The times where powerpoints are new technology is long gone, and a new technological advance has moved in. This new advance is the iMovie, a new medium to pass information to the students, and for the students to pass information to the teacher. My first hand experience with the iMovie was all positive. It was a new and exciting way to show what we learned about our books. It was different than the normal stand up in front of the class and preach about what we learned. To combat this boring style of presentation, my group made a talk show that featured the author of our book we read. This way we could interview her and show that we understood the concepts and themes of the book in a nonconventional way. I feel that the iMovie will be the new way to pass knowledge from either the students to the teacher or the teacher to the students.

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